
Take good care of your cats with patience and love

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Garde maison
Garde de 24h, à votre domicile
30 EUR
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À propos de Xiao

Hello, I'm Xiao :) I'm 32 years old and currently working as a consultant.

I would like to offer my help to take care of your cats while you are away from home. I also offer in-house cat training session which includes positive stimulation clicker training like reaction to calling names, desensitization on cutting claws, teeth/hair brushing, harness, transportation cage, vacuum cleaners, etc. I can also provide advice on 1) correcting your cats' bad behaviors like excessive urination and aggressive behaviors; 2) catification (to make your home more cat friendly to make your cats happier).

I have become a cat mom for four years. My baby boy is called Sheriff, I adopted him from an animal shelter when he was 2 years old. He had a bad temper and aggressive behaviors. To help him relax and trust me, I studied cat behaviors and training methods. Now he becomes a confident cat who can do tricks like sit-down, shake hands and high-five, etc.

If you would like someone to take care of your cats while you are away, by feeding them, cleaning the litters and playing with them, I'm happy to help if my schedule allows me to! If you would like to know more about cat behaviors, to train your cat or simply want to know how to make your cats happier, you can trust on my advice which have been proven to work on my Sheriff and my friends' cats Alain, Kubita, Lola and Cesar.

Additionally, I draw the cute furry friends in watercolor. If you are interested in transforming your favorite photo of your pets into forever lasting arts, drop me a message!

In general, I check my messages everyday and update my schedule every week, do not hesitate to drop me a message!

Les services de Xiao

À votre domicile

Une visite à domicile par jour
Réservez un gardien qui rendra visite à votre animal chez vous afin de le nourrir et jouer avec lui
10 EUR
Garde maison
Le gardien logera à votre domicile pendant votre abscence
30 EUR
Deux visites à domicile par jour
Deux visites à domicile par jour
16 EUR

Xiao offre aussi


Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Flexible

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi la veille du début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

. Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.


Description exacte
Soins des animaux
Visites à domicile
Jo, 2024-03-24

Xiao was our first choice and remains our only one.

We were charmed by her honesty and openness, as well as by her knowledge and skills. While reading her description, I had the impression that I was partially reading the story of my cat and me. I thought I had read all the books and watched all the documentaries about cats, but it turned out that after all this time I wasn't even halfway there!

Xiao shows understanding and patience, and does not judge in advance, she gives every cat equal opportunities and time. After meeting her, it turned out that we had a completely different cat!

Our picky cat got along with her immediately and accepted her as a pack of her team. Going on a trip and leaving your family member with someone like Xiao, with whom your pet feels even better than with you!, is not only a peace of mind, it is a reason for jealousy.

Xiao is a true cat whisperer, and we wouldn't be surprised if she had the same attitude towards other animals. We will definitely use her cat sitting services more than once in the future and we recommend her to absolutely everyone. Familiarization meetings before departure, care during absence, meetings after return, carefully prepared plan, learning, fun, up-to-date news, photos, videos.

Xiao is a very well-mannered, very high cultured person who is full of respect.

And we will stick with our cat with her sessions, because they completely change the face and quality of our cat's life.


Les animaux de Xiao



Compétences Spécifiques

Je parle Anglais
<5 années d'expérience
I have experience in cat trainings, catification, improving cats-happiness, correcting aggressive behaviors, etc. I can administer oral medication to cats, under skin injection.

Expérience avec

Problèmes de comportement




Take good care of your cats with patience and love

Garde maison
Garde de 24h, à votre domicile
30 EUR
Services additionnels et tarifs
Contacter Xiao

Politique d'annulation et de remboursement: Flexible

Remboursement intégral en cas d'annulation avant midi la veille du début de la réservation, remboursement de 50% si l'annulation survient après cette échéance.

. Aucun remboursement n'est prévu si la réservation est annulée à la date de début de la réservation ou après.

Note : Toutes les heures sont basées sur le fuseau horaire du gardien.

Réservez via Pawshake pour bénéficier de la Garantie Pawshake, l'assistance, de la garantie de réservation, des paiements sécurisés, aucun frais de dossier, aucun frais de modification, de l'envoi quotidien de photos et plus encore !

Contacter Xiao